Friday, October 1, 2010

Must. Stay. Positive.

*deep exhale*


Three days down of another quarter of higher education - 10 weeks to go. I transitioned to "morning" workouts starting the first day of classes. When my alarm first sounded at 6:30 in the am on Wednesday, I awoke with excitement and enthusiasm. I felt like a kid again. I soon joined the morning crowd (or lack there of) at the gym and cruised through my cardio. I had gotten up early enough to give myself time to enjoy a morning workout, make myself hot oatmeal, make a yummy, wholesome lunch, and do my hair before taking off for my first day. It felt great to start off on the right foot! 

Come Thursday night exhaustion had already set in and the reality of how taxing the next 10 weeks will be set in. Normally, I would be discouraged. But something this time around is different. I am excited to always have something to do, to fill my days with productive tasks, and make each day more successful than the last. As I got up this morning I sat up in bed and saw the beautiful sun rising out my window (I have a breathtaking view, lucky girl) and said to myself: "Morgan, you MUST. STAY. POSITIVE." So I did just that: stayed positive. I got up and prepared for another grueling day: homework, shower, work, workout, study. 

It is so nice, though, to have my days divided between school, work, and exercise; rather than studying day in and day out with nothing to change the pace. I am glad it is Friday, however; I am exhausted, I can barely remember the date, and I have Russian letters and words bobbing around in my brain. It is a great feeling. Sort of like being sore after a good workout - I know I worked hard this week, judging by how I feel this evening. 

As we all face the daily grind of any combination of work, school, parenting, exercise, or sheer life in general, we MUST. STAY. POSITIVE. As Winston Churchill would put it: 
"A pessimist sees the difficult in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." 
My hope is that we may all be optimists, and seek every opportunity as it may come; that we may not be discouraged, and persevere through the most difficult of times. Trust me: it is worth it. 

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