Friday, September 3, 2010


As the youngest of eight, I will always be the "peewee". Welcome to my life. 

What prompted me to share my thoughts, feelings, and experiences with the cyber world, reflecting the life of an aspiring marathoner, grinding pre-med student, personal trainer, closet composer, writer and experimental chef? The health of it. Over the years, I have found joy in the maintenance of my body; whether it be through exercise, studies, styling my hair, creating new healthy recipes, or rest. I have fallen in love with the feeling of "good health"; sadly enough, many of you out there cannot share this feeling with me. May it be that you are sleep deprived, over-stuffed with edible food-like substances, out-of-shape, or simply in desperate need of a makeover head to toe. What brings me more joy than watching myself transform, is watching others transform as well, right before my eyes. 

That said. I hope to inspire you, uplift you, and help you find the joy I possess from living a healthy, full life. It's a roller coaster ride I hope you all will ride with me. The ups, downs, twists and turns, are all a part of the journey. My plan? Share with you what I eat, and why. Log my workouts (yes, even the lazy, wimpy ones - I have them too). Answer questions that I receive from clients, friends, family, and even strangers - questions like, "Are all carbs bad?" "Does potassium slow down my metabolism?" "If I watch you workout, does that count for me too? I get tired just watching". Some are silly, but address serious concerns that trouble the unknowing daily. Anything else that slips into my blogs, is purely a reflection of my spontaneity in thought. 

Day 1. 

"The dirty details." 
No this is not a kiss and tell. It's worse. The first assessment I spend with my clients is partially comprised of body composition measurements. I have not come across one person that *enjoys* taking the first measurement, but as the months pass by and pounds are shed, they are sure glad they took the first measurement to see how far they have come. Proud - pleased - motivated - surprised. These are adjectives that describe measurements in reflection of those past. We cannot have pride if we have had no shame; the first measurement is crucial. 

Although this is not my first measurement, it is my first post. So I will share with you my "starting point": 

Heigh: 5'6" 
Weight: 128 lbs. 

BMI: 20.7 
Body Fat: 16.1% 

Fat Mass: 20.6 lbs
Lean mass: 106.4 lbs 

Neck: 11.75" 
Chest: 32"
Shoulders: 37"
Waist: 25.5" 
Hips: 36" 
Right Bicep: 10.25"  
Left Bicep: 10.25"
Right Thigh: 19"
Left Thigh: 19"
Right Calf: 13"
Left Calf: 13" 
(Yes. I know. My calves are tiny.)

Considering I weighed 145 lbs in April with a 21.7% body fat, and loathed my "skinny" jeans from high school. I am very pleased with how far I've come. For me, it has been a matter of not worrying or stressing about my numbers. My focus has shifted to the way I feel. I have a very temperamental stomach, that does not like being fed junk, too much fat, or too much food in general. It tells me loud and clear when I'm not on the "healthy track," and even then, when I am eating my best and exercising, it still gets fussy. But, it is definitely at it's worst when I am not eating the foods that nourish and strengthen me. This has been my goal: keep thumper (my tummy) happy. The result? Weight loss. Tummy-ache-free days. And having 3 drawers full of jeans, all that fit. Not bad eh? 

These goals achieved, I of course must set more: running my first half-marathon. 

Date: November 27th, 2010. 
Distance: 13.1 miles 

Game Plan: Baby steps. I focus on one day at a time, and complete the miles that I have scheduled, whether it be 2 or 10. I refuse to lose my muscles; so this means weight-lifting as well - which will be a good break from cardio, a tiring, yet relieving break. Also, my nutrition must stay on track; I cannot run with a sick stomach, which means no crap for me! 

Any Takers?
The half-marathon is 11 weeks out. Which is plenty of time for any novice to train and successfully complete the course. The fee is cheap too: a whopping $20. Most are upwards of $75. Hard to turn down. I can offer you a running schedule, and accountability to keep you motivated, along with myself. And you do have enough time. A famous runner once said "If you are too busy to run, you are too busy." So take my challenge, put your running shoes on, and hit the pavement with me! Let's do this. 

In closing, I am excited for the journey we're all taking together toward a healthier life. If a question arises, send it my way! I'm here to help, best I can. 

With love, 

Miss Morgan


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